Sweden Funds Clean Energy Projects in Northern Mozambique

The initiative, called GeraSol, will benefit 3,000 young people in the renewable energy sector.

by Motoni Olodun

Mozambique is set to benefit from a €6.14 million investment from the Swedish government to support renewable energy projects in three northern provinces, according to the Swedish ambassador in Maputo, Mette Sunnegren.

The initiative, called GeraSol, aims to promote access to clean energy and contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change, Sunnegren said on Monday, quoted by the newspaper Notícias.

The project will be carried out by the Dutch Development Organisation (SNV), in partnership with the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Nampula (IICN), one of the provinces in the north, and with three private sector companies.

“GeraSol will provide training in solar technologies and create job opportunities for 3,000 young people in the renewable energy sector,” Sunnegren said.

She emphasized the impact that the project will have on the development of communities in the provinces of Nampula, Niassa, and Cabo Delgado, the three in the northern region.

Mozambique has a low electrification rate, with only about 34% of the population having access to electricity, according to the World Bank. The rural areas, where most of the population lives, are particularly underserved, with an access rate of about 8%.

The country has abundant renewable energy resources, such as hydro, solar, and wind, but they are largely untapped. The government has set a target of achieving universal access to electricity by 2030, with a significant share coming from renewable sources.

The Swedish investment is part of a broader effort by the international community to support Mozambique’s energy transition and green recovery. In December 2021, the World Bank approved a $300 million grant to help the country increase access to energy and broadband services in rural areas, as well as improve the operational performance of the state-owned electricity utility.

The European Union, the African Development Bank, the United Kingdom, and Norway are also among the major donors and partners of Mozambique in the energy sector, providing financial and technical assistance for various projects and programs.

The development of clean energy in Mozambique is not only crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing resilience to climate change but also for boosting economic growth, creating jobs, and improving social welfare.

As Sunnegren said, “Access to energy is a fundamental human right and a key factor for sustainable development.”

Source: Club of Mozambique

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