Tanzanian Regulators Explore Ghana’s Petroleum Success Model

Delegation Studies Ghana’s Unified Petroleum Price Fund Operations

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe
Ghana petroleum regulatory model

Ghana’s National Petroleum Authority (NPA) recently played host to a delegation of energy regulators from Tanzania, showcasing the successes and operations of Ghana’s petroleum downstream regulation. The visit, lasting five days, was aimed at allowing the Tanzanian team to study and understand the mechanisms and policies driving Ghana’s petroleum sector, notably the Unified Petroleum Price Fund (UPPF).

The delegation, led by Mr. Msafiri Mtepe of the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority of Tanzania, was welcomed by key figures from the NPA, including Deputy Chief Executive Perry Okudzeto, various directors, heads of department, and staff. The visit underscores the growing interest in Ghana’s petroleum regulatory framework, regarded as a model of success and efficiency within the African continent and beyond.

Dr. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, the Chief Executive Officer of the NPA, in his welcome address, expressed enthusiasm over the visit, stating the authority’s readiness to share insights and experiences. Emphasis was placed on the administration of the UPPF, a critical interest area for the Tanzanian regulators. Abdul-Hamid highlighted the comprehensive preparations made by the NPA to ensure the delegation’s visit was not only enlightening but also encompassed practical learning experiences, including scheduled field tours to key petroleum facilities.

The visit by the Tanzanian regulators is not merely a testament to the NPA’s successful implementation of the UPPF and other pricing mechanisms but also signals a collaborative spirit among African nations in enhancing energy sector operations across the continent. Mr. Mtepe, speaking on behalf of the delegation, lauded the warm reception and expressed high expectations for the visit, aiming to glean valuable insights from the Ghanaian experience.

The NPA had organized several formal sessions during the delegation’s stay, engaging with technical experts within the Authority. These sessions covered a broad spectrum of topics pertinent to the petroleum value chain in Ghana, including the country’s pricing policy objectives, the legal framework governing petroleum regulation, and detailed discussions on the UPPF.

In addition to the in-depth dialogues and presentations, the Tanzanian delegates were taken on field visits to significant locations within Ghana’s petroleum downstream sector. These included tours to the Ministry of Energy and the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited (BOST) terminals in Tema and Akosombo. At the Ministry of Energy, the delegation was received by Chief Director Mrs. Wilhelmina Asamoah, who briefed them on Ghana’s downstream policies, further enriching their study visit.

The exchange between Ghana’s NPA and the Tanzanian energy regulators not only highlights the shared goals and challenges faced by African nations in the energy sector but also underscores the importance of cross-border learning and cooperation. By examining the Ghanaian model, Tanzania aims to enhance its own regulatory frameworks, ensuring sustainable and efficient petroleum sector operations.

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