Steam Turbines Boost South Africa’s Sustainable Energy Production

Sappi Saiccor Mill Advances with New Steam Turbine Technology

by Adenike Adeodun

In South Africa, steam turbines are becoming pivotal in powering industries sustainably, as evidenced by their increasing use in generating electricity from alternative fuels. This shift is notably demonstrated at the Sappi Saiccor mill in Umkomaas.

As industries across South Africa seek to stabilize their power supply and reduce carbon footprints, steam turbines emerge as a viable solution. These turbines not only fulfill power needs but also capitalize on by-products from industrial processes as alternative fuel sources.

At the forefront of this transformation is the Sappi Saiccor mill, a leading producer of dissolving pulp. The mill is set to enhance its operational sustainability with a new 45MW extraction backpressure steam turbine from WEG. This turbine will allow the mill to generate a significant portion of its own electricity, crucial for its extensive production processes.

The technology behind steam turbines has evolved to allow for more precise adjustments to meet the diverse needs of various facilities. Rudolf van Pype, Steam Turbine Manager of Energy Systems at WEG, highlights that modern turbines can handle multiple load points with varying steam flow conditions, unlike traditional setups which support fewer connections.

“This flexibility in steam flow management allows facilities like Sappi Saiccor to optimize their energy usage and enhance their operational efficiency,” explains van Pype. The mill’s new turbine will adjust across a range from 75t/h to 300t/h, marking a significant upgrade in how energy is managed and utilized on-site.

WEG, recognized for its expertise in Brazil, is not only supplying the steam turbine but will also oversee the installation, commissioning, and maintenance. The company is well-prepared to support the ongoing operation with a 50MVA, 11kV WEG alternator that complements the turbine installation.

The drive towards using steam turbines reflects a broader interest among South African companies in finding reliable, cost-effective energy solutions, especially in light of frequent load-shedding issues. Many businesses are actively exploring steam turbines as a way to boost productivity and self-sufficiency in energy generation.

WEG stands ready to assist other firms looking to harness steam turbines for energy production, offering assessments of steam flows and pressures to recommend optimal turbine sizes and configurations. “Our goal is to help companies generate their own energy efficiently, reducing reliance on external power sources and enhancing their sustainability,” van Pype adds.

With its comprehensive local expertise and infrastructure, WEG also offers maintenance contracts to ensure that turbines operate smoothly, providing peace of mind to businesses invested in sustainable energy practices.

As South Africa continues on its path towards sustainable industrial operations, steam turbines play a crucial role. By enabling industries like Sappi Saiccor to generate their own power efficiently and sustainably, these technologies are key to future energy solutions that support both economic growth and environmental stewardship.

Source: ESI Africa

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