About Us

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Energy News Africa Plus: Fueling Insights. Powering Africa.

Africa, with its vast landscapes and immense potential, stands at the cusp of an energy revolution. As the continent surges forward, navigating its way through traditional resources and exploring the promise of renewables, it requires a dedicated chronicler of its energy saga. Energy News Africa Plus emerges as this voice, dedicated to illuminating the vast expanses of Africa’s energy industry.

Our Mission: Powering Informed Decisions

Energy is more than just fuel — it’s the lifeblood of development, progress, and innovation. Recognizing this, Energy News Africa Plus is committed to delivering nuanced, in-depth, and comprehensive insights about the continent’s rapidly evolving energy sector.

  1. Pan-African Coverage: Africa is not a monolith. From the windswept dunes of the Sahara to the hydro-rich basins of the Congo, each region has unique energy stories. We ensure each of these narratives, from every corner of the continent, finds its way to you.
  2. Beyond the Grid: Our coverage extends from traditional power infrastructures to off-grid solutions, understanding that Africa’s energy future is diverse and multifaceted.
  3. Innovations and Trends: With the world swiftly moving towards sustainable solutions, we closely track Africa’s foray into renewable energy, innovations, and emerging trends that are set to redefine the continent’s energy paradigm.

Unbiased, Unwavering, Unparalleled

At Energy News Africa Plus, integrity is our cornerstone. Our readers deserve news that’s accurate, unbiased, and timely. To ensure this, we adhere to strict journalistic standards, prioritizing clarity, accuracy, and impartiality. Every story, every analysis, and every feature stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to truthful reporting.

A Panorama of Expertise

Our strength lies in our team—a diverse group of seasoned journalists, energy experts, and analysts. Their collective experience spans decades and continents, ensuring that Energy News Africa Plus remains at the forefront of industry insights and updates.

Engage with the Future

The energy sector, with its rapid developments, demands more than just passive consumption of news. It requires active engagement. We invite industry leaders, policymakers, enthusiasts, and every African invested in the continent’s energy future to engage with our content, contribute insights, and participate in constructive discourse.

Why Energy News Africa Plus?

  • Holistic Understanding: We don’t just report news; we provide context. Our features delve deep, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of issues.
  • African at Heart: While the energy sector is global, our focus remains distinctly African. We prioritize Africa’s interests, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Trusted by Experts: Our portal is not just for the masses but also serves as a valuable resource for industry experts, researchers, and policymakers.

Be Part of the Revolution

Africa’s energy landscape is changing, promising a brighter, more sustainable future. Be part of this transformation with Energy News Africa Plus, your trusted guide to all things energy in our magnificent continent.

Together, let’s envision and shape an empowered, energy-sufficient Africa, where progress isn’t just a dream but a luminous reality.

Editorial Team

Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi, an accomplished journalist, boasts of a pivotal year with Insight Links Media where she held the esteemed role of an international correspondent. Specializing in amplifying global stories, Oluwatosin stands out as a skilled writer and a vibrant, articulate speaker. Her unmatched zeal for journalism, combined with her audacious reporting style, distinguishes her in the realm of contemporary journalism. Advocating for truth and transparency, she continuously strives to bring unbiased and relevant narratives to the forefront.

Adeodun Adenike Dorcas boasts over four years of extensive experience in human capital management. Her diverse expertise encompasses areas like writing, strategic project management, and visionary leadership. Committed to elevating Africa’s talent landscape, Adeodun holds a fervent belief in the intrinsic potential of every individual. She is dedicated to ensuring they are equipped with the essential tools and knowledge for their professional ascent. By aligning people’s skills and aspirations with organizational goals, she aims to transform workspaces into centers of innovation and excellence.

Victor Adetimilehin, widely known as Vic’Adex, is a celebrated global arts in medicine fellow and a staunch ambassador for religious tolerance. Beyond his institutional affiliations, Victor is an incredibly passionate and award-winning spoken word artiste, most notably recognized for his stirring poem, “men not gods.” A fervent supporter of pan-Africanism, he actively champions and bolsters Nigerian creative hubs, fostering an environment of artistic growth and cultural exchange. Victor’s dedication to the arts and peace advocacy positions him as a vital influencer in bridging cultural gaps.

Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe, with her four-year tenure as a writer, fervently champions early leadership ideals. Her flagship program, “From Seed to Sequoia Initiative,” is a testament to her commitment, where she mentors secondary school students, helping shape their futures. Ikeoluwa emphasizes the transformative power of human connections. She strongly asserts that genuine, authentic friendships and relationships are the foundational pillars that drive individual and collective success. Guiding young minds, she believes in laying down roots of integrity, passion, and resilience.

Raymond Oluwalola, representing Ennovate Lab, is a distinguished brand strategist and a masterful storyteller. As an esteemed author, poet, and editor, his contributions to the literary world are vast and impactful. With unparalleled dedication, Raymond leads the inspiring “Children That Change The World” initiative, investing in both junior and senior secondary scholars. Through this initiative, he aims to nurture the next generation of leaders and thinkers, emphasizing the importance of education and mentorship.

Motoni Olodun, with an illustrious seven years in marketing operations, stands as a beacon in the field. Specializing in digital strategy and product marketing, she has meticulously crafted strategies that have propelled over twenty global brands to new heights. Her unique creative flair not only assures tangible results but also a lasting impact in the market. Beyond her professional expertise, Motoni is a gifted storyteller. Her fiction and non-fiction narratives captivate and resonate with a diverse audience, showcasing her versatility and depth as a writer.

Otobong Tommy is a violinist, writer, and teacher. With a BSc. in public administration (2014) from Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria, she has previously worked at Ventures Africa, NAEC, The Eagles Music Academy, and currently at L’Orbe, a non-profit where she is co-founder, managing the music room targeted at children and teenagers. She also enjoys exploring design and content creation.

Energy News Africa Is Owned & Operated By:

Gold Coast Media Invest
10th Floor, Sterling Tower, La Poudriere Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
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Energy News Africa Plus is dedicated to illuminating the vast expanses of Africa’s energy industry.

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