Construction Begins on 10-MW Hydro-Power Station at Lake Gwayi Shangani to Boost Power, Address Bulawayo Water Crisis

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

Work has started on a 10-megawatt hydro-power station at Lake Gwayi Shangani in Hwange district, near Cross Mabale. This effort is part of a larger government push to increase power generation using the country’s major dams.

Lake Gwayi Shangani’s construction aims to resolve Bulawayo’s long-standing water issue and to establish a greenbelt for the Matabeleland region, among other economic boosts.

Previous administrations didn’t act on the century-old project, which saw progress only under the Second Republic. Eleven contractors are now working on the 252-km Gwayi-Shangani-Bulawayo pipeline, with 60% of the route cleared and a 10-km trench dug. Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Richard Mayo recently led an assessment of the site.

Lucia Chayeruka, from the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa), highlighted initial hydro-power station efforts. However, a recurring monthly budget need of US$8 million has slowed progress.

The Lake Gwayi-Shangani dam, aiming for a height of 72 meters and now at 39 meters, will not just provide water to Bulawayo but will also enable irrigation and power generation. It’s also expected to draw tourists.

President Mnangagwa emphasized the project’s importance, aiming to complete it in his second term. Although there was hope to start collecting water this year, engineers have found it unsafe until the dam wall is finished. The relocation of affected communities is also in progress.

Marjorie Munyonga of Zinwa detailed advances on the 252-km pipeline, a segment of the National Matabeleland Zambezi Water Project (NMZWP). This initiative intends to mitigate Bulawayo’s frequent water scarcities. Studies are in progress to gauge water needs for institutions and households along the pipeline, with six pump stations being built.

The Lake Gwayi-Shangani project, covering 650 million cubic meters, stands as a Second Republic flagship initiative, with high hopes for Bulawayo and Matabeleland. The government is determined to finish on schedule, assuring Bulawayo a consistent water source for the next eight decades, lessening its reliance on other Matabeleland South dams.

SOURCE: Africa energy Portal

DESCRIPTION: Work begins on a hydro-power station at Lake Gwayi Shangani. Part of the Second Republic’s efforts, the project seeks to increase power generation and provide a solution to Bulawayo’s prolonged water shortages.

KEYWORDS: Hydro-Power Station, Lake Gwayi Shangani, Hwange district, Bulawayo water crisis, Matabeleland greenbelt, Second Republic, Zimbabwe National Water Authority, Zinwa, National Matabeleland Zambezi Water Project, NMZWP

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